Export Settings
By default, when exporting translations, Crowdin Enterprise fills untranslated strings with source text to avoid exporting empty files. You can change this behavior in the Export section of the Project Settings.
Export strings with at least 1 translation
Choose if you want to export all translated strings without approval.
Export translations with a specific number of approvals
Choose if you want to export only strings with approved translations. Make sure the number of required approvals set isn’t higher than the actual number of proofreading steps in your project workflow.
Export strings that passed workflow
Strings that reached the End step will be included in the exported files.
Read more about Workflows.
Automatically fill in regional dialects
Useful when the project is translated into the language dialects (e.g., Spanish, Argentina). On export, translations from Spanish will be automatically copied to untranslated strings in Spanish, Argentina.
Skip untranslated strings
Only translated strings will be included in the exported translation files.
This option works in three different ways, depending on the file format. This option is not applied to text-formatted documents since missing texts can make downloaded files unreadable. Others are exported with empty values. And for the third file category, untranslated strings are entirely removed from the exported translation files.
Option not applied | Untranslated strings exported with empty values | Untranslated strings removed |
DOCX, IDML, DITA, ADOC, MD, MediaWiki, TXT, HAML, HTML, assets, FM MD, FM HTML, Contentful JSON, SVG | JSON (with nested structure), PHP, XLSX, CSV, FJS, RC, XAML, XML, Web XML, TypeScript, JS, TOML, QT TS, i18next JSON, gettext PO, FLSNP, Coffee | Android XML, macOS/iOS Strings, Stringsdict, Chrome JSON, JSON (without nested structure), YAML, XLIFF, XLIFF 2.0, ARB, DTD, RRC, GO JSON, Flex, Joomla INI, Maxthon, Java Properties, Play Properties, Java Properties XML, RES JSON, RESW, RESX, SBV, STR, STF, VTT, WXL, VDF, FBT JSON |
Skip untranslated files
Only 100% translated files will be included in the exported translation archive.
Save context information in the files
The context and max.length added in Crowdin Enterprise will be visible in the downloaded files. This option only applies to CSV, Android XML, iOS strings, and RESX formats.
Advanced Options
You can configure individual export settings for each specific language in your project by clicking on Advanced Options.